If this is the wind that goes through your door
I want to be the fallen leaves
If this is the rain outside your window pane
I want to come from the cloud
If this is the warmth you feel on a cold night
Let me be your blanket
If this is the empty road heading to the vast desert
Take my hand for I’ll be with you in every step
If this is the dark cave with nothing but echo
I promise to light it up like there’s no tomorrow
If this is the hugs you need when you’re sad
You can have mine, each and every bit
If this is the kisses you long when you sleep alone
I’m here to shower you with lots of it
I love you
Try breaking my heart
Or try leaving me torn apart
Just so you know
I will never let you go
p/s: mcm garang je ending die. haha
Eein wrote :
If this is the time you always value
I want to be every minute of your everyday
If this is the writing you always carve...
I want to be in every line of your every word
If this is the mirror you always look at
I want to be the reflected image
If this is the song you always hum
I want to be your sweetest nightingale
If this is the woods you sometimes walk in
I want to be the breeze through the trees
If this is the distance I have to bear
I will miss you like nobody else…
Nonie wrote:
If this is the smile u carved on your face
I want to be the reason for it
If this is the tears you cried out
I want to be the one who wipe it
If this is the laugh you burst out...
I want to be the person you share the laugh with
If this is the pain you suffer from
Let me be the medicine to heal it
If this is the secret you safely hide
Let me be the memory to absorb it
If this is the tie that keeps us close
Let it remains even it means to keep a distance from you
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