Sunday, June 28, 2009

Today is not Yesterday

I've known you for awhile
You broke my heart too many times
You loved me and then said goodbye
You gave in but suddenly I'm denied
You listened to everything I said
And ensured that I feel safe
But like the uncertain struck of lighting
The next day you left me hanging
You would kissed me goodnight
And forgot that we had a bad fight
Then the morning after
Our relationship became a disaster
You could've given me the world yesterday
And became a stranger to me today

I have stopped hoping
I have stopped waiting
Thank you dear, for everything

I'm ready..
To wake up tomorrow
And expect that you're not there anymore
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

At Least

Note: Puisi yg bukan puisi dedicated to the one who has surrendered her love life to fate.. Babe, ur my inspiration! Hee hee~

Saya seorang di rumah
Menunggu panggilan telefon
Tak berdering juga
Saya pandang kiri
Saya pandang kanan
Saya pujuk hati
At least he texted me bertanya khabar

Saya jalan-jalan ke the Curve
Mengharap dia di sisi
Tak ada pun
Saya pandang kiri
Saya pandang kanan
Saya pujuk hati
At least he replied my texts
Tak panjang... Tapi reply juga

Saya masakkan segala macam
Simpan elok-elok dalam bekas
Berfikir nak bagi ke tak?
Saya pandang kiri
Saya pandang kanan
Saya pujuk hati
At least dia makan
Puji sikit-sikit... Tapi licin juga

Saya siapkan diri bila dicari
Mengharap di ajak ke sana sini
Saya temankan bila dia sunyi
Tapi bila saya yang sunyi
Dia diamkan diri tak dapat ditemui
Saya pujuk hati.
At least dia ada
Somewhere.. But he's there

Mungkin saya tak punya dia
Tapi hati saya tetap miliknya
(Buat masa ni lah...)
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kolaborasi Hati - the nicest one so far. :-)

Dianne wrote:

Bila saya jeritkan pada hutan
Daun pun berguguran
Bersama hati semua jatuh berselerakan

Kamu tak tahu betapa banyak masa saya habiskan
Pun tak mengganggu kerja tapi dalam fikiran
Mencatur mencongak apa yang kamu mahukan
Bila diam membisu saya keresahan

Eein wrote:

Bila saya jeritkan pada pantai
Ombak tenang pun menjadi badai
Jiwa saya ribut tak pernah selesai

Kamu hadir di kala lewat
Pergi pula terlalu cepat
Puas menunggu namun aneh, saya tak pernah penat
Bila jauh, kamu tetap saya ingat

Nonie wrote:

Bila saya jeritkan pada angin
Gerimis hadir sebarkan sayu seisi bumi
Seperti hati saya, namun tangisnya dalam diam

Kita pernah singgah pada babak yang sama
Kita sedang bertapak pada jejak yang serupa
Kita masih di situ berkongsi rahsia alam
Cerita saya dan cerita kamu berbeza
Saya jadi pasrah pada pengakhirannya
Bila tiada kamu di penghujungnya

Zieda wrote:

Bila saya jeritkan pada hujan
Kilat pun berdentum
Jantung saya berdegup kencang

Kamu sungguh dah berbeza
Kamu sibuk tak endahkan saya
Saya takut kamu berlalu
Walau sibuk mana saya mesti ingat kamu

Balqis wrote :

Bila saya jeritkan pada gunung
Batu-batu yang kukuh mula runtuh
Saya tertanya sendirian

Kenapa kamu tidak pernah peduli
Kenapa kamu tidak pernah mengerti
Atau kamu berpura-pura?
Walau hati amat mencintai...

Bila saya jeritkan pada bulan
Gerhana datang gelapkan alam
Saya di sini kesepian

Kenapa kamu tak kunjung datang
Kenapa kamu bergegas pulang
Atau kamu tak mahu berjanji?
Kerana risau hati saya dilukai…

Wajie wrote :

Bila saya jeritkan pada langit
mendung berarak seolah mengerti rahsia hati

Jangan persoalkan kenapa terjadi
Jangan harapkan sesuatu yang tak pasti
Terluka atau melukai
Itu pilihan kita sendiri

Bila saya bersujud berserah pada Tuhan
Tenang melingkar jiwa yang hampir mati

Wahai hutan,pantai,angin,hujan,gunung,bulan dan langit
Dengarlah rahsia hati kami
Bawakan keindahan bukan kesedihan
Kerana kami selayaknya disayangi


Monday, June 1, 2009

if i ask you to leave me

if i ask you to leave me
how long will it take for you to forget me?

would you consider those months we spent,
or hours we held hands?
would you send me an I LOVE YOU note through the fax,
or you’d just ask for all your things back?
would you try harder to keep me with you
or ensure that i’m gone before i can say how much i miss you

would you just simply delete me from facebook,
or take out my number from your phonebook?
would you cry all night thinking what was wrong,
or laugh because you think the relationship was already too long?
would you go seeking for the ex’s shoulder,
or fill my bedroom with bouquets of roses in lavender

would you call once in awhile to make sure i wont go wild,
or would you forget who i was, the one you used to call YOURS?
would you come and visit when i’m ill,
or pretend you’re too broke to buy me a meal?
would you annoy me by telling people i’m still in love with you,
or admit that you still love me too?

would you still wish me on my birthday,
or go missing for a week on a romantic getaway?
would you still love me dear,
would you still love me for who i am today?

if i ask you to leave me

if i ask you to leave me
how long will it take for you to forget me?

would you consider those months we spent,
or hours we held hands?
would you send me an I LOVE YOU text,
or you’d just ask for all your things back?
would you try harder to keep me with you
or ensure that i’m gone before i can say how much i missed you

would you just simply delete me from facebook,
or take out my number from your phonebook?
would you cry all night thinking what was wrong,
or laugh because you think the relationship was already too long?
would you go seeking for the ex’s shoulder,
or fill my bedroom with bouquets of roses in lavender

would you call once in awhile to make sure i wont go wild,
or would you forget who i was, the one you used to call YOURS?
would you come and visit when i’m ill,
or pretend you’re too broke to buy me a meal?
would you annoy me by telling people i’m still in love with you,
or admit that you still love me too?

would you still wish me on my birthday,
or go missing for a week on a romantic getaway?
would you still love me dear,
would you still love me for who i am today?